Terms conditions Terms conditions


According to what is stablished on the Mexican Federal Law for Protection of Personal Data, RACING CARGO MEXICO S.A. DE C.V. hereby declares to be, according to the Mexican laws, a legally constituted company. Our address is PROLONGACIÓN LOS SOLES #200, TORRE MARTEL, IV, ZONA VALLE ORIENTE, 66278 SAN PEDRO GARZA GARCÍA. We also state to be responsible for the processing of your personal data.


Personal data: any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person.

Title holder: the natural person identifiable by the personal data or to whom it corresponds.

Responsible: private natural or legal person that decides about the personal data processing.

Processing: the personal data’s collection, use (which includes the personal data access, operation, use, transfer or disposition),  advertisement or storage, by any means.

Transfer: all data communications with a person different from the processing responsible or in charge.

ARCO rights: access, rectification, cancellation and objection rights.

Tacit consent: it is hereby understood by all parts that the title holder consents with his/her data processing once that the privacy notice is available, and he/she does not manifest an opposition to its rules.

Primary purposes: the personal data collected from you shall be used for the primary purposes necessary for the service you request: economic, personal, labor and marketing purposes.

Method for collecting your personal data: for the activities indicated in this privacy notice, we can collect your personal data using several methods when you provide us it directly, when you visit our website or use our online services, and we collect the information
using other sources allowed by the law.

Personal data collected directly: we collect your data directly when you send us. That data may be: email address, full name, phone number, cellphone number, address, birth date, financial data, federal taxpayer registry, among others, such as general information about your international trade operations, personal data collected when you visit our website or use our online services.

Personal data collected using other methods allowed by the law, such as email address,full name, phone number.

Other methods:


Use of sensitive data: sensitive data is the one that affect the most intimate realm of the title holder, or which improper use may result in some sort of discrimination or severe risk for the title holder.

This privacy notice does not cover the use of personal data considered sensible.

Limits to the use or advertising of your personal data: the responsible for the information commits itself to perform only the actions listed below regarding your information: sending SMS messages, sending advertisement mail, sending emails and phone calls.

Procedures to ensure ARCO rights: you have the right to access your personal data under our care and the details about how we process it; also, to correct it in case it is not accurate or complete, to cancel it when you consider it is not required for any of the purposes mentioned in this privacy notice or that it is being used for purposes which you may not have agreed upon or you have finished your business relation with the service or when you do not agree with its processing for specific uses.

Mechanisms implemented to ensure the exercise of the rights mentioned above, known as the ARCO rights, related to the access, rectification, cancellation and objection rights held by the title holder regarding the processing of his/her personal data:

1. 1) The process starts when a request related to the ARCO rights is presented at our office for privacy-related issues address, informed at the beginning of this privacy notice.

2. 2) Your request must contain the following information: Personal data title holder’s full name, address or any other contact, and the exact and precise description of the personal data related to the request.

3. 3) The time limit to reply to the request is 20 commercial days.

Personal data transmission: your personal data cannot be transferred inside the country or internationally, nor processed by parties that are not part of this company.

We commit not to transfer your personal information to third parties without your consent, except on the cases foreseen on the Mexican Federal Law for Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Third Parties, and to accomplish this transfer according to the law.

Changes to the privacy notice: we reserve the right to modify, change or update this notice at any time, to reflect any current legislations, internal policies or new requirements to our products and services’ attention or offering, and we commit to keep this notice updated, for ease of reference, so the title holder is able to exercise his/her ARCO rights and, by this means, updating him/her about any modification, using the last email address that he/she provided us.

Use of web beacons: web beacons shall be used to collect information about you. Web beacons are images inserted on a web page or  mail template, that can be used to monitoring an internet user behavior and collecting information regarding his/her IP address, time of interaction with that page and web browser used, among others.

The parts express that this notice shall be conducted by the legal dispositions enforceable by the dispositions of the Mexican Federal Law for Protection of Personal Data.

If you consider that your personal data protection right has been harmed by our actions, responses or the conduct of any of our employees, or assume that during the processing of your personal data there was any violation to the Mexican Federal Law for Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Third Parties, you can file a complaint or a claim with the Federal Institute of Access to Public Information (IFAI).